48 Northampton Road, Market Harborough, LE16 9HE
Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 6.00pm Sat 8:30am - 12:00pm

Formulated by Town & Country Veterinary Centre, provided exclusively to our clients and tailored specifically to the individual needs of your cat.
Ultimate Wellness Plan – one of the most comprehensive plans of its type in the UK, covers every aspect of preventative healthcare that your cat needs throughout the year.
The Ultimate Wellness Plan has been designed to perfectly complement your pet insurance policy so you have complete peace of mind that all routine and non-routine
treatment is covered.
Unlimited veterinary consultations
(excludes emergency and out of hours consultations)
Vaccinations - Flu, Enteritis and Feline Leukaemia Virus
Monthly flea, and worm prevention
100 point annual health assessment including blood and urine tests - allowing early detection of diabetes, anaemia, liver and kidney disease
Nail trims
20% off Hill's diets
50% off neutering
A manageable monthly payment of only £40
Simple. Comprehensive. Affordable.
The progressive advancements of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery techniques mean the costs of treating a cat have inevitably increased.
It can be reassuring to know that the costs of veterinary treatment are covered when the unexpected or unthinkable happens allowing you to focus your undivided attention on your cat’s recovery.
Vaccinations protect cats from potentially fatal infectious diseases. Cats are routinely vaccinated against Cat Flu, Enteritis and Feline Leukaemiavirus.
Kittens have two injections, administered 3-4 weeks apart. The first vaccination is administered from 9 weeks of age. The second vaccination must be administered from 12 weeks of age. Kittens have full protection one week following the second vaccination. Cats have booster vaccinations every year thereafter to maintain their immunity.
1st/2nd/booster vaccination (Flu/Ent/Leuk) - £70
1st/2nd/booster vaccination (Flu/Ent) - £70
Monthly flea treatment throughout the year will ensure your cat remains free of fleas. Treatment of flea infestations can be challenging because female fleas lay hundreds of eggs each day which can survive for years in the environment. 95% of the flea population lives in the soft furnishings of the home so treatment of the house with a Household Flea Spray is essential for resolving a flea infestation. Cats can be treated with monthly spot-on solutions or tablets.
Many kittens are born with an infestation of worms. Kittens are routinely treated for worms every 2 weeks until 12 weeks of age, once monthly until 6 months of age and then every 3 months thereafter. Roundworms carry a risk to human health and can potentially cause blindness.
Ticks wait in long grass and woodland waiting for a suitable host to walk by. When ticks jump on to a cats they suck blood through their mouthparts and can transmit potentially fatal infections. Ticks can be prevented using monthly spot-on solutions or special collars.
Male cats are routinely castrated under general anaesthesia from 6 months of age. Castration eliminates the risk of testicular cancer and can also help to reduce hormonal behavioural problems such as roaming and fighting with other cats.
Female cats are routinely spayed under general anaesthesia from 6 months of age. Spaying eliminates the risk of pregnancy, infections and cancer of the womb. Spaying can also help to reduce hormonal behavioural problems such as roaming and fighting with other cats.
What to expect:
Routine castration and spay surgeries can be booked on any weekday (subject to availability).
Your cat should be starved from 9pm the night before the procedure but can have access to water throughout the night.
A 10 minute admission appointment with a Veterinary Nurse takes place between 8:30 – 9:30am. The admission and surgery consent form will be explained to you.
Surgery generally takes place later in the morning allowing your cat to recover from the anaesthetic sufficiently before going home at a time that is convenient for you later in the afternoon or evening.
Your cat will be discharged with a Buster Collar or Medical Pet Shirt to reduce the risk of wound interference and anti-inflammatory pain relief to ensure your cat has a comfortable recovery.
Post-operative checks take place 3 days and 10 days following surgery to ensure your cat has made a full recovery from the anaesthesia and the surgical wound is healing well.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Practice if you have any questions or concerns regarding the procedure.
Identification and traceability is an important part of responsible cat ownership.
A microchip is smaller than a grain of rice and is implanted under the skin between the shoulder blades and provides a permanent means of identification that could reunite your cat and you in the event that they were lost or stolen. The microchip is encoded with a unique 15 digit number corresponding with your contact details registered for life on the UK’s largest central database, Petlog.
Petlog is operated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is part of the European Pet Network, giving you peace of mind if you travel. It is important that your contact details are kept up to date if you move house or change phone numbers.
Cost £34
Dental disease can be a serious problem and therefore routine preventative dental care and hygiene are extremely important.
As cats age, tartar will start to accumulate on their teeth. The tartar can interfere with the gums and cause gingivitis and at a microscopic level the gums are bleeding. This can be painful and allows a constant portal of entry for bacteria to enter into the circulation inevitably accumulating around the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys and reducing the life expectancy of these organs.
Daily brushing with Enzymatic Toothpaste represents the gold standard for keeping your cat’s teeth clean by physically disrupting the biomatrix of plaque that accumulates throughout every day and reducing the rate at which tartar continues to accumulate.
If tartar is already present a descale and polish under a short general anaesthetic may be necessary. Once the teeth are clean, a tiny probe can be used to assess the integrity of the gums around each individual tooth and any teeth that are no longer viable that could be causing pain or disease elsewhere in the body can be extracted at the time of the procedure.
Naturally every effort is taken to reduce the risk of every anaesthetic but the risk cannot be eliminated entirely. To reduce the risk further a pre-anaesthetic blood test is taken on the morning of the procedure to assess the function of the liver and kidneys and ensure that no undue risks are taken.
Pre-anaesthetic blood test, anaesthetic, descale and polish - £370
Pre-anaesthetic blood test, anaesthetic, descale and polish with extractions and post-operative care and medication - £650
Provision of a nutritionally complete and balanced diet is the foundation of your cat’s health, fitness and happiness. Nutritional requirements of cats varies with age, size and medical conditions.
Town & Country Veterinary Centre will recommend only the most suitable diet for your cat’s individual needs ensuring your cat leads a long, happy and healthy life.
Nutrition and Weight Management Clinics are provided by Veterinary Nurses completely free of charge.